
I’m Lindsay, I’m married to Gavin, and we have a little boy, Reuben, who’s 6.

We live and work in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

I’m a huge fan of American Country Music and I love reading, writing, walking, box sets, wine, and ice cream.

As an introvert, I thrive on contemplative thinking, journalling, silence and solitude.

I’m the founder of the movement Have you seen that girl? an award winning resource which  raises awareness of maternal mental health and campaigns for better services and support for families across the UK. You can find the work I’m involved on that website – www.haveyouseenthatgirl.com

As a regular Conference, Event and Church Speaker, about mental health and wellbeing; faith; parenting; and the empowerment/encouragement of women, I’m passionate about communicating hope, healing and wholeness.

I’d love to connect!

You can find me on social media where I write, share, advocate and campaign:

Twitter  @Robinson_Linds

Facebook  @Haveyouseenthatgirl? 

Instagram –@have.you.seen.that.girl 

Email – haveyouseenthatgirl@outlook.com